How to Request
Search for the Item
Use WorldCat Discovery via the Library Search Books++ tab and select “Libraries Worldwide” for your search.
Request the Item
- If the item is not held by SBTS, click the “Request Item through Interlibrary Loan” button under its availability.
- Sign in with your Southern Profile if prompted.
- Fill out the required fields marked with an asterisk (*).
- Click “Submit.” Please note that no confirmation email will be sent.
Notification and Pickup
You will be notified by email when your item is available for pickup at the Circulation Desk. Items remain on the hold shelf for two weeks before they expire and are returned to the lending library.
- For Distance Students: Please forward notification emails to along with your shipping address.
Due Dates and Renewals
Due dates are set by the lending library and are indicated on the book strap and your Library Account. These dates take precedence over standard due dates.
- Renewals may be requested but are not guaranteed. To request a renewal, email at least one week before the due date to allow time for a response from the lending library.
- Do not remove ILL book straps; items returned without them will incur processing fees.
Loan Returns
For detailed instructions, please refer to the “Loan Returns” section on our Policy page.