
This guide contains the James P. Boyce Library's policies for the circulation of items, fines, Interlibrary Loan, and facility use.

General Loans

Patron TypeInitial LoanRenews ForRenewal #Max ItemsOverdue Fee Per ItemItem Max Overdue FeeMax Account Balance
Alumni2 weeks7 days510$0.50/day$25$0
SWI | Undergrad | Masters | Employee | Staff2 weeks7 days5100$0.50/day$25$10
Doctoral | ThM | Adjunct | Faculty2 weeks7 days50100$0.50/day$25$10
Loan times apply to standard book loans.  Special collections items are subject to different circulation policies (see below).

Special Collections Loans

All patrons receive the same loans for these items:

Item TypeLoan PeriodRenewalsOverdue Fee Per ItemMaximum Overdue Fine Per Item
Interlibrary LoansSet by Lending Libraries0$0.50/day$25
Course Reserves2 hours 3$0.50/hour$25
Dissertations, CD-ROMs
1 day, in-house use only0$5/day$25
Tape Media, Records, & Journals – (i.e. cassettes, tape reels, microform etc. Do not circulate. In-house use only.)

Library Holds System

  • Eligibility: Only registered library patrons with no outstanding fines or overdue items can place holds on materials.
  • Placing a Hold: Holds can be placed online, in person, or over the phone. Users must provide accurate item details.
  • Notification: Users will be notified via their institutional email when the item is available for pickup.
  • Pickup Period: Items on hold must be picked up within 7 days of notification. After this period, the hold will be canceled and the item returned to circulation or offered to the next person on the waitlist.
  • Cancellations: Users can cancel a hold at any time before pickup by contacting the library or using the online system.


  • Automatic Renewals: After your initial loan period, items automatically renew every three days until they reach the maximum number of renewals.
    • Patrons should NOT manually renew their items as it could interfere with the maximum number of auto renewals available to you. 
  • Due Dates: When you receive an email notification saying your item(s) are now due, you have either reached your renewal limit or another patron has placed the item on hold.
    • You have one week from the due date in the email notification to return the item(s) without penalty. 
  • Contact:


  • SBTS Email: Library notifications (due dates, overdue notices, etc.) are sent via email to your address on-file.
    • Student, employee, and alumni email addresses are inherited from the institutional record—which Library staff cannot alter.
  • Current students and employees: To receive notifications to a different email account, forward your SBTS student email account to your primary account through Google account settings. Campus Technology can provide additional support for this.
  • Alumni: Update your primary email address through the Office of Institutional Advancement here
  • Email Verification: All library patrons should verify their email address through their library account profile page. 

Loan Returns

  • Location: During operating hours, items should be returned at the first floor circulation desk.
    • After Hours: Items may still be returned after hours in the book drop located at the library’s ADA side entrance.
  • Mailing Returns: Items may be returned via mail services.
    • Patrons are responsible for:
      • Postage and safe return of all items.
      • Lost or damaged items.
    • Patrons may be subject to replacement and processing fees for lost/damaged items.
      • The library recommends that all patrons insure and track their packages.
    • Items are considered returned by the package’s postmark date.
    • Library Address: SBTS Library, ATTN: Distance Education, 2825 Lexington Rd, Louisville, KY 40206-2997
  • Contact: For questions regarding book loans:

Lost Items

  • Claimed Lost: If an item is claimed lost, the patron will be charged the replacement fee or $50 (whichever is greater), in addition to a processing fee of $20. 
  • Accounting Blocks: Items not returned within 90 days after the due date will be considered lost, and the patron will be charged for each item.
    • Patrons with items over 90 days overdue will receive an Accounting block which may prevent them from:
      • Registering for classes
      • Using their library account
      • Requesting a transcript
      • Having their degree conferred at graduation
    • If items over 90 days are returned, the patron will no longer be responsible for lost or processing fees.
      • Patron may still be subject to overdue fees.
  • Contact: For questions or concerns regarding lost items, contact circulation@sbts.edu.

Circulation Desk

Phone: (502) 897-4713
Email: circulation@sbts.edu

Library Hours

Monday-Thursday, 8:00am-10:00pm
Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm
Saturday, 11:00am-5:00pm

SBTS or government-issued ID required to enter.